
Church! What Were You Thinking?

I Corithians

Preached by: Brother David Mitchell | 09/10/23

Introduction: Matt. 26: 26-29

    a. Jesus with the 12 for the Passover Meal
    b. Jesus institutes the New Supper
    c. The Old Covenant was to remember the promises secured by the blood of an animal
    d. The New Covenant was to proclaim the promises secured by the Holy Blood of The Son of God
    e. With the church, the Passover meal was replaced with a fellowship meal called “agape” or love feast.
    f. The love feast was a common meal shared in the spirit of love and fellowship

Paul identified Three things for the Church to consider

    1. First, He identified Conduct Unbecoming vs. 17-22
        a. Paul has no praise for them
        b. Their conduct was counter productive to good Christian conduct
        c. The church was divided into schisms or factions within the body
        d. The love feast was a sham, divided into the haves and the have nots and no doubt other divisions
        e. Some eat to excess while others have nothing to eat
        f. Some drink to excess while others have nothing to drink
        g. Their divisions shows their distain and shame for the whole body

    2. Second, Paul Reminds the church about the true Example vs. 23-26
(Matt. 26:26-29)
        a. The Lord enjoyed the fellowship of His disciples
        b. The Lord enjoyed the Passover Meal with His disciples
        c. The Lord introduced to the disciples (and to a fuller extent, the Church) the New Covenant; The Lord's Supper
        d. The Lord took the bread and the cup to introduce the point; To Remember the Lord's sacrifice, death and resurrection until He returns.