
Hear The Word of The Lord

I Corithians

Preached by: Brother David Mitchell | 10/15/23

Introduction: Is. 28:11-12
    a. Isaiah prophecy concerning the fall of Israel, the North Kingdom
    b. Israel's King, priests, leaders and prophets have not listened to The Word of God
    c. Isaiah foretold the coming of the foreign Kingdom of Assyria to bring God's judgement on Israel
    d. Israel prophesied that Israel would not hear God's warning even when a foreign language was spoken in their midst

1. Language spoken can lead to confusion
    a. Tongues are a sign gift
    b. Tongues are for the unbeliever to be drawn to faith in Christ
    c. Many languages being spoken at one time will cause great confusion
    d. The unbeliever will say that all in the church are Crazy!

2. Everything done is for the benefit of The Church
    a. Giving a Psalm is to benefit the church
    b. Teaching the word of God is to benefit the church
    c. Speaking in another language is for the benefit of the church
    d. Giving a revelation is for the benefit of the church
    e. The word of God in a clear manner brings conviction, repentance and faith
    f. The unbeliever will worship God and testify that God is present in the church

3. Everything in The Church Should be done decently and in an orderly manner
    a. Each who speaks in another language must have an interpreter
    b. Only three languages spoken during the service
    c. Only three who speak a word from the Lord may speak during the service
    d. Those who have the gift of proclaiming the Word of God, hear and judge what is said
    e. Talking out of turn and interrupting with questions should be done at home

4. Desiring Gifts of The Holy Spirit is a good thing
    a. To be able to speak the Word of God is most desirable
    b. Speaking languages is good for the church for those who cannot understand
    c. Using your gift to edify the church and glorify The Lord is the proper use of your gift

    a. Do not act crazy in The Church
    b. Do all you can to speak, teach and proclaim the Word of God clearly
    c. Do all you can to encourage the church with your gift
    d. Do all you can to bring the unbeliever to faith in Christ