
Run After Love

I Corithians

Preached by: Brother David Mitchell | 10/08/23


    A. Let love and the way of love define your conduct and character
        (1) Love God
        (2) Love people

    B. Let your life as a Believer be seen as a true Follower of Christ
        (1) Be salt making a difference
        (2) Be light showing the way

    C. Therefore, Pursue Love!
        (1) First your love for God our Father
        (2) With your love for your neighbors

1. Desire Spiritual Gifts

    a. Spiritual gifts help you to serve The Lord
    b. Spiritual gifts help you mature in Christ
    c. Spiritual gifts help you build up the Body of Christ His Church
    d. So desire of The Lord that you would be gifted to serve in the power of The Holy Spirit

2. Consider These Two Gifts; preaching and speaking in multiple languages

    a. Proclaiming the Word of God
        (1) Brings edification to The Body
        (2) Gives exhortation to the Body of Believers
        (3) Gives comfort to the Believers
        (4) Gives strength to the Church

    b. Languages; Tongues
        (1) Edifies the speaker
        (2) Speaks to God
        (3) Speaks mysteries to himself
        (4) Must be interpreted to be understood
            (a) With interpretation the church can be edified
            (b) With interpretation the church can understand the mysteries spoken
            (c) With interpretation the church can be comforted by the Word of God spoken
            (5) Without an interpreter the Believers are unable to understand and give an “Amen” to what has been spoken
            (6) Tongues without interpretation are of no benefit to The Body of Believers
            (7) Tongues used in the privacy of the prayer closet are acceptable and heard by God

3. Come On Now, Be Adults not Children
    a. Understand like an adult not a child
    b. Don't get angry like a child but control your anger like a mature person
    c. Let your desire for spiritual gifts be for the benefit of The Church not yourself

    a. Children do not fully understand the mysteries of God
    b. Mature Believers are able to understand through the Power of The Holy Spirit
    c. Desire to be gifted to serve the Lord in the church
    d. Desire to be salt and light to those who are still unbelievers
    e. Desire to grow in grace and maturity for the glory of God
    f. Desire to strengthen and encourage and comfort the Church through your gifts of The Holy Spirit