
Serve The Lord With Gladness

1 Corinthians

Preached by: Dr. David O. Mitchell | 08/13/23

1. Serving The Lord as an Apostle vs. 1-6
    a. An Apostle by calling
    b. An Apostle to you - church of Corinth
    c. An Apostle due all the rights and blessings as any of the Apostles

2. Serving The Lord as an a Servant vs. 7
    a. Supplied like a soldier
    b. Provide For like a farm hand
    c. Nourished Like a shepherd

3. Serving The Lord To Win The Imperishable Crown
    a. Running the race to the finish line
    b. Fighting the fight with full determination
    c. Disciplining yourself into full subjection

Why Serve This Way?
    a. To preach the gospel of Christ to all
    b. To be a servant to all peoples
    c. To serve in the example of Christ