
Simple Faith Will Bring Revival

Stand-alone Sermon

Preached by: Brother David Mitchell | 01/28/24

Introduction: Background of the Samaritans
    a. Long history both religious and political all the way back to the dividing into the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom
    b. Jews considered them to be half-breeds
    c. Jews would have no dealing with the Samaritans not even to pass through the area
    d. Samaritans believed in the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob
    e. They believed they descended from Jacob
    f. They only accepted The Pentateuch as God's Word
    g. They were looking for the coming “Prophet One like Moses” (Deut. 18:15-18)
    h. They believed these things about Mt. Gerizim
        (1) Site of Abel's-first alter, Gen. 4:4
        (2) Site of Noah's sacrifice after the flood, Gen. 8:20
        (3) Site where Abraham met Melchizedek Gen. 14:18
        (4) Site where Isaac was to be sacrificed; Gen. 22
        (5) It was where they worshipped God when a Temple was built on Mt. Gerizim at the end of Persian rule and the beginning of Greek rule (4th Century BC)
        (6) The hatred of the Jews was a long history of both political and religious hatred even to the time of Christ

1. The Place of The Meeting
    a. Jesus indicated His need to go through Samaria
    b. Stopped close to Sychar and close to the land Jacob gave to Joseph and close to Jacob's well
    c. It was an “on purpose meeting”
    d. It was high noon at Jacob's well

2. The Person of The Meetings
    a. A Samarian Woman
    b. A woman with a trouble past, 5 husbands and now a “live in” man
    c. A woman who did not want to be around the other women coming to the well to draw water

3. The Purpose of The Meeting
    a. To encounter this one special woman
    b. To open her eyes to God's revealed prophecy
    c. To give her a reason to have faith in who Jesus said He was

Conclusion: Revival Came to Sychar
    a. She believed and ran to tell the people of her city
    b. She told her testimony concerning her meeting The Christ at the well
    c. Many of Sychar came to believe in Christ because of this woman; witness
    d. Many more of Sychar believed when they met Christ personally
    e. So it is with us today, revival can and will come if we will just have simple faith in Christ and tell the story to others