
Spiritual Gifts of Thy Holy Spirit

I Corithians

Preached by: Brother David Mitchell | 09/17/23

Introduction: Remember Who You Once Were vs. 1-2
    a. You once were unrighteous Gentiles
    b. You were idol worshippers
    c. You were lead into sinfulness because of your idol worship

1. Understand This v. 3
    a. Those indwelled by the Spirit of God cannot curse the name of Jesus
    b. Those indwelled by the Spirit of God are the only ones who can proclaim that Jesus is The Lord
    c. Those who are still under the sway of sin and are not born again cannot glorify Jesus as Lord

2. Understand This About Spiritual Gifts v. 4-7
    a. There are many gifts given to believers from the Holy Spirit
    b. There are differences in ministries from the Holy Spirit
    c. There are differences in the types of services from the Holy Spirit
    d. It is God who works all things out in each believer
    e. The gifts of The Holy Spirit are given for the benefit of the whole body of believers

3. Understand What The Gifts are vs. 8-10
    a. The Word of Wisdom
    b. The Word of Knowledge
    c. The Word of Faith
    d. The Works of healing
    e. The Works of miracles
    f. The Works of prophecy
    g. The Work of discernment
    h. The Work of different languages (tongues)
    i. The Work of the interpretation of the different languages

Conclusion: v. 11
    a. There is but One Holy Spirit of God
    b. The Holy Spirit's ministry is in and through the believers (church)
    c. The Holy Spirit gives His gifts to each believer according to His divine Will