
The Body of Christ

I Corithians

Preached by: Brother David Mitchell | 09/24/23

1. There is just One Christ
2. There is just One Holy Spirit
3. There is just One Baptism into Christ
4. There is just One Body of Christ which is The Church

5. There are many members in that One body
   (a) The foot - for walking
   (b) The hand - for holding
   (c) The ear - for hearing
   (d) The eye - for seeing
   (e) The nose - for smelling

6. Look At How God Works
   a. God set each member in the Body
   b. God set each in the Body according to His Will
   c. God set diversity in the One Body
   d. God set unity in the One Body even with the diversity of the members
   e. God set each member in the Body to made “the many” into “The One Body.”

7. Look What God Did
   a. God created the Body of flesh
   b. God created the Spiritual Body of the Church
   c. The Body is not divided because of the diversity
   d. The Body suffers together
   e. The Body rejoices together

8. Other Parts That God Put Into The Body
   a. Apostles
   b. Prophets
   c. Teachers
   d. Miracle Workers
   e. Healers
   f. Helpers
   g. Administration
   h. Language workers