
The Gospel of Christ, His Death, Burial, and Resurrection

I Corithians

Preached by: Brother David Mitchell | 10/22/23

    a. The gospel was read to us
    b. The gospel was told to us through preaching and teaching
    c. The gospel was sung to us
    d. The gospel tells the story and then the story is repeated
        (1) Recorded in God's Word; Psalms 22; Is. 53
        (2) Repeated by eye witnesses to Christ's death; burial and resurrection
Example: Matt. 27; Luke 23; John 19

Paul reminded the church that they had read, heard and believed the gospel of Christ

1. The Gospel preached
    a. Paul, Apollos, Peter and others had preached the gospel to them
    b. The gospel of Christ is what our faith stands on
    c. The gospel of Christ is what we have believed

2. The Gospel Heard
    a. From the scripture you heard
    b. From the preaching you heard
    c. From witnesses you heard

3. The Gospel Believed
    a. You believed the witness of the Word of God
    b. You believed the message preached concerning the gospel of Christ
    c. You believed the witnesses who confirmed they saw the truth of The Gospel

Conclusion: Unless You Believed In Vain
    a. The Bible must be believed to be God's Holy Word to mankind
    b. The prophecies concerning the coming of Christ to be the Lamb of God and Savior must be believed
    c. The recorded eye witness accounts recorded in the Bible must be believed
    d. Those who preached and witnessed about the truth of Christ's death, burial and resurrection are not the most important; that you believed the Gospel of Christ is the most important!